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Asociācija Svētupe


Basic data

Removed from the register, 04.07.2016
Business form Association
Registered name "Asociācija Svētupe"
Registration number, date 50008115401, 21.05.2007
VAT number None Europe VAT register
Register, date Register of Associations and Foundations, 21.05.2007
Legal address "Smēdes", Pāles pag., Limbažu nov., LV-4052 Check address owners
CSDD Transport vehicles registered in CSDD

Actual overdue payments
Request debt return with VERDIKTS

Date Case number Status


Goals Apsaimniekot Svētupi atbilstoši Eiropas Savienības ūdensstruktūru direktīvai saskaņojot darbību ar zemju īpašniekiem;
Organizēt tūrisma attīstību;
Organizēt pērļgliemenes populācijas izpēti un atjaunošanos;
Organizēt vērtīgo zivju populācijas pavairošanu;
Bebru populācijas izpēte un skaita regulēšana;
Organizēt ilgtspējīgu tautsaimniecības attīstību Svētupes sateces baseinā.

Historical addresses

Limbažu rajons, Pāles pagasts, "Smēdes" Until 03.07.2009 16 years ago

Annual reports

Year Period Received Type of delivery Price


Annual report 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014 31.03.2015  HTML (29.57 KB) €7.00


Annual report 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013 21.10.2014  HTML (23.41 KB)


Annual report 18.06.2013  TIF (498.13 KB)


Annual report 01.01.2011 - 31.12.2011 30.03.2012  HTML (38.29 KB)


Annual report 01.01.2010 - 31.12.2010 08.04.2011  HTML (38.09 KB)


Annual report 30.06.2011  TIF (349.08 KB)


Type Format Size Added Document date Number of pages

Articles of Association

TIF 109.14 KB 23.05.2007 09.05.2007 4

Restricted documents
available by request to LR Company register

Type Format Size Added Document date Number of pages

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

DOCX 35.17 KB 04.07.2016 04.07.2016 2

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

EDOC 51.45 KB 04.07.2016 04.07.2016 2

Documents supporting the changes in the list of authorised person or the scope of their authorisation in AKF

EDOC 92.23 KB 28.06.2016 27.06.2016 1

Documents supporting the changes in the list of authorised person or the scope of their authorisation in AKF

PDF 91.7 KB 28.06.2016 27.06.2016 1


TIF 49.83 KB 07.07.2016 16.05.2016 2

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

TIF 89.6 KB 06.02.2015 05.02.2015 2


TIF 594.97 KB 06.02.2015 05.12.2014 4

Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation

TIF 34.77 KB 06.02.2015 10.11.2014 1

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

TIF 43.03 KB 13.09.2010 09.09.2010 2


TIF 83.28 KB 13.09.2010 10.08.2010 4

Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation

TIF 13.97 KB 13.09.2010 21.06.2010 1

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

TIF 35.31 KB 05.12.2007 30.11.2007 2

Receipts on the publication and state fees

TIF 18.15 KB 05.12.2007 30.08.2007 1


TIF 119.33 KB 05.12.2007 29.08.2007 4

List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board

TIF 10.03 KB 05.12.2007 29.08.2007 1

Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation

TIF 38.52 KB 05.12.2007 29.08.2007 1

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

TIF 47.19 KB 23.05.2007 21.05.2007 2

Registration certificates

TIF 33.75 KB 23.05.2007 21.05.2007 1

Receipts on the publication and state fees

TIF 15.55 KB 23.05.2007 10.05.2007 1


TIF 119.63 KB 23.05.2007 09.05.2007 4

List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board

TIF 11.04 KB 23.05.2007 09.05.2007 1

Memorandum of Association

TIF 36.16 KB 23.05.2007 09.05.2007 2
According to the regulation of the Law "On the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia", the documents of the unpublished part are assigned the status of information with limited access and they are not available on the Firmas.lv portal. Request documents in Company register