Informational products
Full company profile
Officers, members, turnover, profit, pledges, security measures, true beneficiaries, contacts, and other actual and historical information. Includes AML and sanctions check also.

Basic data
Status | Active
Business form | Association |
Registered name | Biedrība "ATTĪSTĪBAS CENTRS "BALTĀS NAKTIS"" |
Registration number, date | 40008124633, 29.02.2008 |
VAT number | None Europe VAT register |
Register, date | Register of Associations and Foundations, 29.02.2008 |
Legal address | "Papardes", Ipiķi, Ipiķu pag., Valmieras nov., LV-4242 Check address owners |
CSDD | Transport vehicles registered in CSDD |
Important facts
- No active pledges
- No security means
- No economic activity cessation
- No activity restrictions
- Show AML risks
- Nav ieraksti maksātnespējas reģistrā
- No liquidations
- No reorganizations
- No contacts information
- Check online actual tax payments in SRS
- Request debt return with VERDIKTS
Actual overdue payments
Request debt return with VERDIKTS
Date | Case number | Status |
None |
Taxes payments to government budget
2021 | |
Total payments to state budget (thousands, €) | 0 |
Personal income tax (thousands, €) | 0 |
Statutory social insurance contributions (thousands, €) | 0 |
Average employees count | 0 |
Source: SRS
Check online actual tax payments in SRS
Field from SRS
Redakcija NACE 2.1 |
Citur neklasificētu organizāciju darbība (94.99) |
CSP industry
Redakcija NACE 2.0 |
Citur neklasificētu organizāciju darbība (94.99) |
Goals | 1. Veidot ciešāku sadarbību starp pagastā esošajām interešu grupām, pašvaldību un uzņēmējiem. Motivēt cilvēkus veidot aktīvu sabiedrisko dzīvi, paplašināt kontaktus un iesaistīties sabiedrībā notiekošajos procesos. 2. Apzināt lauku teritorijas iedzīvotāju vajadzības, uzlabot iedzīvotāju dzīves kvalitāti - veicināt Ipiķu pagasta teritorijā esošās vides un kultūrresursu efektīvu, ilgtspējīgu izmantošanu, mūžizglītības motivēšanu. 3. Sociāli aktivizēt Ipiķu pagastā dzīvojošos iedzīvotājus. 4. Pilsoniskas sabiedrības attīstība. 5. Trūcīgo un sociāli mazaizsargāto personu grupu sociālās labklājības celšana. 6. Sekmēt sabiedrības emocionālo un intelektuālo attīstību, veicināt radošo izaugsmi, aktivizēt pagasta teritorijā dzīvojošos iedzīvotājus, īpaši veicināt bērnos un jauniešos interesi par veselīga dzīvesveida priekšrocībām. 7. Brīvā laika organizēšana un iedzīvotāju sociālas kultūras attīstība. |
Name | Institution | Position | Representation/signatory powers | Notes | From* |
Natural person |
Executive Body | Right to represent individually | 23.03.2016 | ||
Natural person |
Executive Body | Right to represent individually | 23.03.2016 | ||
Natural person |
Executive Body | Right to represent individually | 23.05.2012 |
* Date on which the decision of the notary public on the appointment took effect
Historical addresses
Valmieras rajons, Ipiķu pagasts, "Pagasta nams" | Until 03.07.2009 | 16 years ago |
Rūjienas nov., Ipiķu pag., "Pagasta nams" | Until 23.05.2012 | 13 years ago |
Rūjienas nov., Ipiķu pag., Ipiķi, "Papardes" | Until 01.07.2021 | 4 years ago |
Annual reports
Year | Period | Received | Type of delivery | Price | |
2024 |
Annual report | 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024 | 12.02.2025 | PDF (99.61 KB) | |
2023 |
Annual report | 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023 | 22.01.2025 | PDF (97.64 KB) | €11.00 |
2022 |
Annual report | 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022 | 22.01.2025 | PDF (75.05 KB) | €11.00 |
2021 |
Annual report | 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021 | 22.01.2025 | PDF (74.78 KB) | €11.00 |
2020 |
Annual report | 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2020 | 22.01.2025 | PDF (74.53 KB) | €11.00 |
2019 |
Annual report | 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2019 | 22.01.2025 | PDF (75.07 KB) | €11.00 |
2018 |
Annual report | 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2018 | 28.03.2019 | PDF (93.86 KB) | €11.00 |
2017 |
Annual report | 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2017 | 04.04.2018 | PDF (94.26 KB) | €11.00 |
2016 |
Annual report | 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2016 | 11.05.2017 | PDF (99.04 KB) | €9.00 |
2015 |
Annual report | 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2015 | 02.04.2016 | PDF (318.48 KB) | €8.00 |
2014 |
Annual report | 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014 | 29.03.2015 | HTML (23.46 KB) | €7.00 |
2013 |
Annual report | 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013 | 01.04.2014 | HTML (23.67 KB) | |
2012 |
Annual report | 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2012 | 29.03.2013 | HTML (25.65 KB) | |
2011 |
Annual report | 01.01.2011 - 31.12.2011 | 04.04.2012 | HTML (38.71 KB) | |
2010 |
Annual report | 13.04.2011 | TIF (684.46 KB) | ||
2009 |
Annual report | 10.06.2011 | TIF (385.13 KB) | ||
2008 |
Annual report | 31.03.2009 | TIF (799.24 KB) |
Type | Format | Size | Added | Document date | Number of pages |
Articles of Association |
TIF | 116.69 KB | 24.05.2012 | 26.03.2012 | 5 |
Articles of Association |
TIF | 186.49 KB | 04.03.2008 | 21.02.2008 | 4 |
Restricted documents
available by request to LR Company register
Type | Format | Size | Added | Document date | Number of pages |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries |
TIF | 59.38 KB | 25.10.2017 | 23.03.2016 | 2 |
Application |
TIF | 246.26 KB | 25.10.2017 | 16.03.2016 | 6 |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries |
TIF | 46.99 KB | 24.05.2012 | 23.05.2012 | 2 |
Application |
TIF | 191.99 KB | 24.05.2012 | 12.04.2012 | 8 |
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director |
TIF | 5.13 KB | 24.05.2012 | 26.03.2012 | 1 |
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director |
TIF | 5 KB | 24.05.2012 | 26.03.2012 | 1 |
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director |
TIF | 4.87 KB | 24.05.2012 | 26.03.2012 | 1 |
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation |
TIF | 18.6 KB | 24.05.2012 | 26.03.2012 | 1 |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries |
TIF | 94.2 KB | 04.03.2008 | 29.02.2008 | 2 |
Registration certificates |
TIF | 73.29 KB | 04.03.2008 | 29.02.2008 | 1 |
Receipts on the publication and state fees |
TIF | 29.64 KB | 04.03.2008 | 22.02.2008 | 1 |
Application |
TIF | 325.36 KB | 04.03.2008 | 21.02.2008 | 5 |
List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board |
TIF | 21.07 KB | 04.03.2008 | 21.02.2008 | 1 |
Memorandum of Association |
TIF | 56.72 KB | 04.03.2008 | 21.02.2008 | 2 |
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation |
TIF | 84.83 KB | 04.03.2008 | 21.02.2008 | 2 |
According to the regulation of the Law "On the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia", the documents of the unpublished part are assigned the status of information with limited access and they are not available on the portal.
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