Public Limited Company

Basic data

Removed from the register, 22.02.2011
Business form Public Limited Company
Registered name Akciju sabiedrība "BALTIJAS VĒRTSPAPĪRU NAMS"
Registration number, date 40103079217, 02.02.1993
VAT number None Europe VAT register
Register, date Enterprise Register Journal, 02.02.1993
Legal address Rīga, Tērbatas iela 14 Check address owners
Fixed capital 1 000 000 LVL , registered 02.02.1993
CSDD Transport vehicles registered in CSDD

Actual overdue payments
Request debt return with VERDIKTS

Date Case number Status


Types of activities from statues investīciju politikas pētījumi, analīze, prognozēšana
brokeru pakalpojumi
dīleru pakalpojumi
valūtas pirkšana-pārdošana
apmācību organizēšana personām, kas strādā investīciju biznesā
ekonomisko, juridisko, politoloģisko, socioloģisko u.c. datu bāžu formēšana
*sabiedriskā ēdināšana
*komercdarbība sporta un kultūras jomās
u.c. statūtos paredzētā darbība

Historical company names

Publiskā akciju sabiedrība "BALTIJAS VĒRTSPAPĪRU NAMS" Until 04.08.2000 24 years ago
Akciju sabiedrība "BALTIJAS VĒRTSPAPĪRU NAMS" Until 05.05.1995 29 years ago

Historical addresses

Rīga, Elizabetes iela 18-2 Until 23.02.2010 14 years ago
Rīga, Kalēju iela 7 Until 03.04.2009 15 years ago
Rīga, Elizabetes iela 23 Until 07.12.2000 24 years ago

Annual reports

Year Period Received Type of delivery Price


Annual report 01.06.2010  TIF (1.76 MB)


Annual report 17.06.2009  TIF (739.58 KB)

Restricted documents
available by request to LR Company register

Type Format Size Added Document date Number of pages

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

TIF 41.85 KB 28.05.2012 22.02.2011 2

Cover letter

TIF 23.82 KB 28.05.2012 17.02.2011 1

Cover letter

TIF 43.04 KB 11.04.2011 17.02.2011 1

Decisions / judgements of courts and other law enforcement authorities

TIF 95.66 KB 28.05.2012 16.02.2011 2

Decisions / judgements of courts and other law enforcement authorities

TIF 154.89 KB 11.04.2011 16.02.2011 2

Cover letter

TIF 36.94 KB 11.04.2011 26.02.2009 1

Decisions / judgements of courts and other law enforcement authorities

TIF 70.16 KB 11.04.2011 26.02.2009 1

Cover letter

TIF 28.36 KB 11.04.2011 25.02.2009 1

Decisions / judgements of courts and other law enforcement authorities

TIF 107.33 KB 11.04.2011 20.02.2009 2

Decisions / judgements of courts and other law enforcement authorities

TIF 96.32 KB 11.04.2011 19.02.2001 1

Decisions / judgements of courts and other law enforcement authorities

TIF 105.39 KB 11.04.2011 17.12.1999 2

Orders/request/cover notes of court bailiffs

TIF 138.24 KB 11.04.2011 08.09.1998 2

Decisions / judgements of courts and other law enforcement authorities

TIF 128.8 KB 11.04.2011 25.05.1998 2

Decisions / judgements of courts and other law enforcement authorities

TIF 125.17 KB 11.04.2011 27.11.1996 2

Decisions / judgements of courts and other law enforcement authorities

TIF 550.6 KB 11.04.2011 23.10.1995 2
According to the regulation of the Law "On the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia", the documents of the unpublished part are assigned the status of information with limited access and they are not available on the portal. Request documents in Company register