Futbola klubs Ogre
Informational products
Full company profile
Officers, members, turnover, profit, pledges, security measures, true beneficiaries, contacts, and other actual and historical information. Includes AML and sanctions check also.

Basic data
Status | Removed from the register, 27.12.2018
Business form | Association |
Registered name | "Futbola klubs Ogre" |
Registration number, date | 40008172120, 08.02.2011 |
VAT number | None Europe VAT register |
Register, date | Register of Associations and Foundations, 08.02.2011 |
Legal address | Mālkalnes prospekts 21 – 3, Ogre, Ogres nov., LV-5001 Check address owners |
CSDD | Transport vehicles registered in CSDD |
Actual overdue payments
Request debt return with VERDIKTS
Date | Case number | Status |
None |
Field from SRS
Redakcija NACE 2.0 |
Sporta klubu darbība (93.12) |
Goals | Galvenais mērķis ir organizēt tās biedru un citu ieinteresēto personu sportiskās aktivitātes, bērnu un jaunatnes (galvenokārt futbola un minifutbola jomā), stimulēt tā biedru sportiskās meistarības izaugsmi. Kluba papildus mērķis ir organizēt futbola un minifutbola sacensības. Kā viens no priekšnosacījumiem augstākminētam ir regulāra kluba biedru iesaistīšana futbola aktivitātēs, piedalīšanās sacensībās, īslaicīgos un ilglaicīgos turnīros; propagandēt futbolu, kā veselīga dzīvesveida sastāvdaļu, veicināt vispusīgu fizisko un garīgo attīstību, veicināt futbola attīstību Ogres novadā un ārpus tā, veicināt sadarbību starp dažādām biedrībām, sabiedriskām organizācijām un futbola klubiem; organizēt futbola sacensības, aptverot visas Latvijas iedzīvotāju grupas, neatkarīgi no to sportiskās sagatavotības pakāpes, vecuma, nacionālās piederības un politiskajiem uzskatiem; organizēt un atbalstīt komandu un pārstāvju sekmīgu piedalīšanos starptautiskajās sacensībās un turnīros. |
Annual reports
Year | Period | Received | Type of delivery | Price | |
2017 |
Annual report | 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2017 | 25.03.2018 | ZIP | €11.00 |
Annual report 2017 | |||||
Annual report 2017 | |||||
2016 |
Annual report | 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2016 | 02.11.2017 | PDF (132.1 KB) | €9.00 |
2015 |
Annual report | 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2015 | 24.04.2017 | PDF (187.59 KB) | €8.00 |
2014 |
Annual report | 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014 | 14.11.2015 | HTML (32.71 KB) | €7.00 |
2013 |
Annual report | 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013 | 19.03.2014 | HTML (29.51 KB) | |
2012 |
Annual report | 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2012 | 23.04.2013 | HTML (25.5 KB) | |
2011 |
Annual report | 08.02.2011 - 31.12.2011 | 21.02.2013 | HTML (30.96 KB) |
Type | Format | Size | Added | Document date | Number of pages |
Articles of Association |
TIF | 7.87 MB | 08.03.2017 | 21.02.2017 | 6 |
Articles of Association |
TIF | 132.62 KB | 15.04.2015 | 18.03.2015 | 6 |
Articles of Association |
TIF | 205.32 KB | 22.02.2011 | 23.12.2010 | 4 |
Restricted documents
available by request to LR Company register
Type | Format | Size | Added | Document date | Number of pages |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries |
RTF | 190.98 KB | 27.12.2018 | 27.12.2018 | 1 |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries |
EDOC | 69.82 KB | 27.12.2018 | 27.12.2018 | 1 |
State Revenue Service decisions/letters/statements |
80.74 KB | 20.12.2018 | 20.12.2018 | 1 | |
State Revenue Service decisions/letters/statements |
EDOC | 92.61 KB | 20.12.2018 | 20.12.2018 | 1 |
Submission/Application |
TIF | 13.97 KB | 20.12.2018 | 18.12.2018 | 1 |
Application |
TIF | 177.63 KB | 11.12.2018 | 07.12.2018 | 3 |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries |
RTF | 53.45 KB | 25.05.2018 | 25.05.2018 | 2 |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries |
EDOC | 40.03 KB | 25.05.2018 | 25.05.2018 | 2 |
Application |
TIF | 92.74 KB | 23.05.2018 | 17.05.2018 | 4 |
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation |
TIF | 34.18 KB | 23.05.2018 | 17.05.2018 | 1 |
Application |
TIF | 7.35 MB | 08.03.2017 | 02.03.2017 | 3 |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries |
EDOC | 70.81 KB | 02.03.2017 | 02.03.2017 | 2 |
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director |
TIF | 727.48 KB | 08.03.2017 | 21.02.2017 | 1 |
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director |
TIF | 490.94 KB | 08.03.2017 | 21.02.2017 | 1 |
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation |
TIF | 1.35 MB | 08.03.2017 | 21.02.2017 | 1 |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries |
RTF | 180.03 KB | 07.04.2016 | 07.04.2016 | 1 |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries |
EDOC | 70.44 KB | 07.04.2016 | 07.04.2016 | 1 |
Application |
2.13 MB | 31.03.2016 | 30.03.2016 | 8 | |
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation |
143.06 KB | 31.03.2016 | 01.03.2016 | 1 | |
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation |
111.74 KB | 31.03.2016 | 01.03.2016 | 1 | |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries |
EDOC | 67.74 KB | 12.11.2015 | 12.11.2015 | 2 |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries |
RTF | 184.69 KB | 12.11.2015 | 12.11.2015 | 2 |
Application |
TIF | 118.1 KB | 30.11.2015 | 05.11.2015 | 5 |
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation |
TIF | 19.21 KB | 30.11.2015 | 30.10.2015 | 1 |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries |
EDOC | 72.71 KB | 10.04.2015 | 10.04.2015 | 2 |
Application |
TIF | 1.24 MB | 15.04.2015 | 08.04.2015 | 9 |
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation |
TIF | 21.12 KB | 15.04.2015 | 18.03.2015 | 1 |
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director |
TIF | 44.3 KB | 15.04.2015 | 16.03.2015 | 5 |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries |
TIF | 36.47 KB | 17.10.2012 | 15.10.2012 | 2 |
Application |
TIF | 53.64 KB | 17.10.2012 | 25.09.2012 | 2 |
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director |
TIF | 12.45 KB | 17.10.2012 | 25.09.2012 | 1 |
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation |
TIF | 38.5 KB | 17.10.2012 | 25.09.2012 | 1 |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries |
TIF | 116.9 KB | 22.02.2011 | 08.02.2011 | 2 |
Registration certificates |
TIF | 124.43 KB | 22.02.2011 | 08.02.2011 | 1 |
Application |
TIF | 449.89 KB | 22.02.2011 | 23.12.2010 | 3 |
List of members of the Board / Supervisory Board |
TIF | 13.04 KB | 22.02.2011 | 23.12.2010 | 1 |
Memorandum of Association |
TIF | 48.95 KB | 22.02.2011 | 23.12.2010 | 1 |
Submission/Application |
TIF | 24.9 KB | 22.02.2011 | 28.01.2010 | 1 |
According to the regulation of the Law "On the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia", the documents of the unpublished part are assigned the status of information with limited access and they are not available on the portal.
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