Ģertrūdes vecmeitu biedrība


Basic data

Business form Association
Registered name Ģertrūdes vecmeitu biedrība
Registration number, date 40008186101, 16.11.2011
VAT number None Europe VAT register
Register, date Register of Associations and Foundations, 16.11.2011
Legal address Sporta iela 12 – 600, Limbaži, Limbažu nov., LV-4001 Check address owners
CSDD Transport vehicles registered in CSDD

Important facts

Actual overdue payments
Request debt return with VERDIKTS

Date Case number Status

Taxes payments to government budget

Total payments to state budget (thousands, €) 0
Personal income tax (thousands, €) 0
Statutory social insurance contributions (thousands, €) 0
Average employees count 0


Field from SRS
Redakcija NACE 2.1
Citur neklasificētu organizāciju darbība (94.99)
CSP industry
Redakcija NACE 2.0
Citur neklasificētu organizāciju darbība (94.99)
Goals Īstenot biedru profesionālo, ekonomisko un sociālo interešu aizsardzību, kā arī veicināt radošo spēju un lietišķo īpašību attīstīšanu. Nodrošināt biedru interešu aizstāvību, tai skaitā valsts un pašvaldību iestādēs, kā arī tiesās.

Historical company names

"LZF" Until 11.03.2016 9 years ago
"Latvijas Zoles federācija" Until 08.04.2015 10 years ago

Historical addresses

Jelgava, Sarmas iela 21 - 44 Until 26.04.2019 6 years ago
Rīga, Pudiķa iela 16-7 Until 08.04.2015 10 years ago

Annual reports

Year Period Received Type of delivery Price


Annual report 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2018 08.02.2019  PDF (79.7 KB) €11.00


Annual report 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2017 01.01.2018  PDF (80.19 KB) €11.00


Annual report 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2016 18.03.2017  PDF (84.16 KB) €9.00


Annual report 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2015 01.01.2016  PDF (96.09 KB) €8.00


Annual report 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014 02.02.2015  HTML (29.56 KB) €7.00


Annual report 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013 02.02.2015  HTML (29.56 KB)


Annual report 16.11.2011 - 31.12.2012 02.02.2015  HTML (29.56 KB)


Type Format Size Added Document date Number of pages

Articles of Association

PDF 365.3 KB 07.03.2016 07.03.2016 4

Articles of Association

PDF 381.04 KB 31.03.2015 30.03.2015 4

Articles of Association

TIF 274.32 KB 22.11.2011 15.11.2011 6

Restricted documents
available by request to LR Company register

Type Format Size Added Document date Number of pages

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

RTF 193.01 KB 26.04.2019 26.04.2019 2

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

EDOC 65.82 KB 26.04.2019 26.04.2019 2


DOCX 58.52 KB 26.04.2019 12.04.2019 1


DOCX 58.52 KB 26.04.2019 12.04.2019 1


EDOC 67.49 KB 26.04.2019 12.04.2019 1

Consent of a member of the Board / executive director

DOCX 80.06 KB 26.04.2019 11.04.2019 1

Consent of a member of the Board / executive director

DOCX 80.06 KB 26.04.2019 11.04.2019 1

Consent of a member of the Board / executive director

EDOC 58.16 KB 26.04.2019 11.04.2019 1

Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation

DOCX 84.24 KB 26.04.2019 11.04.2019 1

Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation

DOCX 84.24 KB 26.04.2019 11.04.2019 1

Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation

EDOC 62.13 KB 26.04.2019 11.04.2019 1

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

RTF 188.43 KB 11.03.2016 11.03.2016 2

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

EDOC 71.49 KB 11.03.2016 11.03.2016 2

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

RTF 188.43 KB 11.03.2016 11.03.2016 2

Articles of Association

PDF 391 KB 07.03.2016 07.03.2016 4


PDF 1.69 MB 07.03.2016 07.03.2016 4


PDF 1.72 MB 07.03.2016 07.03.2016 4

Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation

PDF 146.56 KB 17.03.2016 22.02.2016 1

Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation

PDF 176.29 KB 17.03.2016 22.02.2016 1


PDF 304.11 KB 08.04.2015 08.04.2015 7

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

EDOC 74.03 KB 08.04.2015 08.04.2015 2


PDF 1.61 MB 31.03.2015 30.03.2015 3

Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation

PDF 185.89 KB 31.03.2015 30.03.2015 1

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

TIF 78.56 KB 16.01.2015 13.01.2015 2


TIF 119.98 KB 16.01.2015 08.01.2015 5

Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation

TIF 35.62 KB 16.01.2015 08.01.2015 1

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

TIF 56.69 KB 22.11.2011 16.11.2011 2

Registration certificates

TIF 33.84 KB 22.11.2011 16.11.2011 1


TIF 195.78 KB 22.11.2011 15.11.2011 4

Consent of a member of the Board / executive director

TIF 37.54 KB 22.11.2011 07.10.2011 6

Memorandum of Association

TIF 49.42 KB 22.11.2011 07.10.2011 2
According to the regulation of the Law "On the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia", the documents of the unpublished part are assigned the status of information with limited access and they are not available on the Firmas.lv portal. Request documents in Company register