Informational products
Full company profile
Officers, members, turnover, profit, pledges, security measures, true beneficiaries, contacts, and other actual and historical information. Includes AML and sanctions check also.

Basic data
Status | Active
Business form | Association |
Registration number, date | 40008023976, 10.12.1993 |
VAT number | None Europe VAT register |
Register, date | Register of Associations and Foundations, 25.01.2006 |
Legal address | Kalsnavas iela 17 – 1, Rīga, LV-1035 Check address owners |
CSDD | Transport vehicles registered in CSDD |
Important facts
- No active pledges
- No security means
- No economic activity cessation
- No activity restrictions
- Preform with profit
- Show AML risks
- Nav ieraksti maksātnespējas reģistrā
- No liquidations
- No reorganizations
- Has contacts
- Positive owned capital
- Check online actual tax payments in SRS
- Request debt return with VERDIKTS
Actual overdue payments
Request debt return with VERDIKTS
Date | Case number | Status |
None |
Taxes payments to government budget
2021 | |
Total payments to state budget (thousands, €) | 0 |
Personal income tax (thousands, €) | 0 |
Statutory social insurance contributions (thousands, €) | 0 |
Average employees count | 2 |
Source: SRS
Check online actual tax payments in SRS
Industry from | Sporta organizācijas |
Branch from (NACE2)
Redakcija NACE 2.1 |
Sporta objektu darbība (93.11) |
Field from SRS
Redakcija NACE 2.1 |
Sporta klubu darbība (93.12) |
CSP industry
Redakcija NACE 2.0 |
Sporta klubu darbība (93.12) |
Goals | Organizēt un veicināt Tradicionālā Karatē attīstību Latvijā, sadarboties ar Starptautisko Tradicionālā Karatē federāciju un Eiropas Tradicionālā Karatē federāciju. Atbalstīt cīņas mākslu klubus un individuālos sportistus, kuri pārstāv un nodarbojas ar Tradicionālo Karatē. Pārstāvēt LTKRF biedrus starptautiskajās organizācijās, veicināt un nostiprināt starptautiskos sakarus. Piedalīties Latvijas pilsoniskās sabiedrības attīstībā, veidot veselu un brīvu sabiedrību no atkarībām, vardarbības, veicinot cilvēku vispusīgu fizisko un garīgo attīstību apgūstot Tradicionālo Karatē. Organizēt un pilnveidot sabiedrības brīvo laiku ar izglītības, mākslas, kultūras un sporta aktivitātēm - treniņu nodarbībām, semināriem un vasaras nometnēm. Rast iespēju bērniem, skolēniem, jauniešiem un pieaugušajiem mācīties cīņas mākslu Tradicionālo Karatē, apgūstot pašaizsardzību, pilnveidot savu raksturu un gribasspēku, veicināt veselību ar fiziskajām aktivitātēm. |
Name | Institution | Position | Representation/signatory powers | Notes | From* |
Natural person |
Executive Body | Jointly with at least 1 | 25.01.2006 | ||
Natural person |
Executive Body | Jointly with at least 1 | 25.01.2006 | ||
Natural person |
Executive Body | Jointly with at least 1 | 25.01.2006 |
* Date on which the decision of the notary public on the appointment took effect
Contacts in cooperation with
Apply information changes
Historical company names
Latvijas Tradicionālā karate federācija | Until 25.01.2006 | 19 years ago |
Historical addresses
Rīga, Baznīcas iela 7-1 | Until 25.01.2006 | 19 years ago |
Annual reports
Year | Period | Received | Type of delivery | Price | |
2022 |
Annual report | 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022 | 01.03.2024 | PDF (79.28 KB) | €11.00 |
2021 |
Annual report | 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021 | 05.07.2022 | PDF (79.33 KB) | €11.00 |
2020 |
Annual report | 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2020 | 13.06.2021 | PDF (79.47 KB) | €11.00 |
2019 |
Annual report | 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2019 | 30.07.2020 | PDF (343.36 KB) | €11.00 |
2018 |
Annual report | 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2018 | 01.04.2019 | PDF (349.09 KB) | €11.00 |
2017 |
Annual report | 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2017 | 03.04.2018 | PDF (348 KB) | €11.00 |
2016 |
Annual report | 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2016 | 01.04.2017 | PDF (334.71 KB) | €9.00 |
2015 |
Annual report | 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2015 | 01.04.2016 | PDF (334.17 KB) | €8.00 |
2014 |
Annual report | 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014 | 01.04.2015 | HTML (29.6 KB) | €7.00 |
2013 |
Annual report | 03.04.2014 | TIF (218.89 KB) | ||
2012 |
Annual report | 10.05.2013 | TIF (202.65 KB) | ||
2011 |
Annual report | 07.06.2012 | TIF (172.18 KB) | ||
2010 |
Annual report | 15.08.2011 | TIF (244.89 KB) | ||
2009 |
Annual report | 08.12.2011 | TIF (254.7 KB) | ||
2008 |
Annual report | 30.07.2009 | TIF (124.62 KB) |
Type | Format | Size | Added | Document date | Number of pages |
Articles of Association |
TIF | 193.85 KB | 08.03.2017 | 28.12.2005 | 5 |