LIEPAS, Saldus rajona Brocēnu pilsētas, ZS


Basic data

Removed from the register, 03.12.2020
Business form Farm
Registered name Saldus rajona Brocēnu pilsētas zemnieku saimniecība "LIEPAS"
Registration number, date 48501014375, 04.10.1996
VAT number None (excluded 26.08.2014) Europe VAT register
Register, date Enterprise Register Journal, 04.10.1996
Legal address "Liepas", Cieceres pag., Saldus nov., LV-3851 Check address owners
CSDD Transport vehicles registered in CSDD

Actual overdue payments
Request debt return with VERDIKTS

Date Case number Status


Field from SRS
Redakcija NACE 2.0
Jauktā lauksaimniecība (augkopība un lopkopība) (01.50)
Types of activities from statues

Historical addresses

Rīga, Cēsu iela 5 - 5 Until 17.05.2019 6 years ago
Brocēnu nov., Cieceres pag., "Liepas" Until 07.03.2017 8 years ago
Brocēnu nov., Brocēnu l. t., "Liepas" Until 04.03.2010 15 years ago
Saldus rajons, Brocēnu lauku teritorija, "Liepas" Until 03.07.2009 16 years ago

Maksātnespējas reģistra procesi

Date and time Registered Event Additional information
Process 1. Insolvency proceeding: 17.12.2013. Case number: C34067713
Started 17.12.2013, ended 12.11.2020
Court: Kurzemes rajona tiesa (1000303973)
Decision: izpildīts kreditoru prasījumu segšanas plāns


17.11.2020   Maksātnespējas procesa izbeigšana 
Kurzemes rajona tiesa (1000303973)


12.10.2018   Appointment of an administrator in an insolvency case 
Bužinauskas Aivars (Certificate nr. 00333)
Kurzemes rajona tiesa (1000303973)


10.10.2018   Administratora atcelšana maksātnespējas procesa lietā 
Kurzemes rajona tiesa (1000303973)


25.07.2018   Appointment of an administrator in an insolvency case 
Skopiņš Jānis (Certificate nr. 00509)
Kurzemes rajona tiesa (1000303973)


20.07.2018   Administratora atcelšana maksātnespējas procesa lietā 
Kurzemes rajona tiesa (1000303973)


03.09.2015   Appointment of an administrator in an insolvency case 
Grīnbergs Mārtiņš (Certificate nr. 00550)
Saldus rajona tiesa (1000055438)


26.08.2015   Administratora atcelšana maksātnespējas procesa lietā 
Saldus rajona tiesa (1000055438)


15.06.2015   Appointment of an administrator in an insolvency case 
Kuļkova Danute (Certificate nr. 00169)
Saldus rajona tiesa (1000055438)


15.06.2015   Administratora atcelšana maksātnespējas procesa lietā 
Saldus rajona tiesa (1000055438)


27.04.2015   Appointment of an administrator in an insolvency case 
Lesiņa Lelde (Certificate nr. 00566)
Saldus rajona tiesa (1000055438)


24.04.2015   Administratora atcelšana maksātnespējas procesa lietā 
Saldus rajona tiesa (1000055438)


27.02.2015   Appointment of an administrator in an insolvency case 
Krūce Liena (Certificate nr. 00367)
Saldus rajona tiesa (1000055438)


27.02.2015   Administratora atcelšana maksātnespējas procesa lietā 
Saldus rajona tiesa (1000055438)


25.07.2014   Precizēta parādnieka mantas pārdošanas plāna iesniegšana 

18.07.2014 09:00:00

01.07.2014   Meeting of creditors 


20.12.2013   Appointment of an administrator in an insolvency case 
Poņatovska Tatjana (Certificate nr. 00286)
Saldus rajona tiesa (1000055438)


20.12.2013   Declaration of insolvency proceedings 
Creditor application deadline : 1 month
Saldus rajona tiesa (1000055438)
List of administrators
Administrator Practice place Certificate Contacts

Skopiņš Jānis

Antonijas iela 5-8, Rīga, LV-1010 Nr. 00509 (valid from 11.10.2017 till 20.11.2019)
Phone 67220669

Grīnbergs Mārtiņš

Meistaru iela 10-5.stāvs, Rīga, LV-1050 Nr. 00550 (valid from 31.05.2016 till 11.07.2018)
Cell phone 27087700

Poņatovska Tatjana

Imantas iela 23a-9, Daugavpils, LV-5401 Nr. 00286 (valid from 30.06.2014 till 30.06.2016)
Cell phone 26569955
Phone 65429222

Krūce Liena

Martas iela 5, Rīga, LV-1011 Nr. 00367 (valid from 20.06.2015 till 16.10.2017)
Cell phone 29463694

Lesiņa Lelde

Rīga, Tēraudlietuves iela 22 - telpa nr.11, LV-1026 Nr. 00566 (valid from 23.12.2019 till 30.04.2024)
Cell phone 26311388

Kuļkova Danute

Kalēju iela 9/11 Konventa sēta, Rīga, LV-1050 Nr. 00169 (valid from 02.04.2014 till 02.04.2016)
Cell phone 26389790
Phone 66118570

Bužinauskas Aivars

Mārupes novads, Babītes pagasts, Piņķi, Laimdotas iela 1 - 10 Nr. 00333 (valid from 27.02.2021 till 30.04.2025)
Cell phone +371 29329970


Type Format Size Added Document date Number of pages

Amendments to the Articles of Association

DOCX 12.1 KB 17.05.2019 14.05.2019 1

Amendments to the Articles of Association

DOCX 12.1 KB 17.05.2019 14.05.2019 1

Amendments to the Articles of Association

DOCX 13.03 KB 03.03.2017 03.03.2017 1

Agenda of the creditors’ meeting

EDOC 23.45 KB 01.07.2014 30.06.2014 1

Announcement of the creditors’ meeting

EDOC 24.04 KB 01.07.2014 30.06.2014 1

Articles of Association

TIF 125.51 KB 08.10.2015 15.03.2004 4

Articles of Association

TIF 150.42 KB 07.10.2015 07.09.1999 9

Restricted documents
available by request to LR Company register

Type Format Size Added Document date Number of pages

Notary’s decision

EDOC 65.45 KB 03.12.2020 03.12.2020 1

Application in Insolvency proceedings

DOCX 26.1 KB 03.12.2020 28.11.2020 2

Application in Insolvency proceedings

EDOC 31.7 KB 03.12.2020 28.11.2020 2

Statement of the State Archives or an equivalent document

RTF 1.56 MB 03.12.2020 26.11.2020 1

Statement of the State Archives or an equivalent document

EDOC 141.81 KB 03.12.2020 26.11.2020 1

Notary’s decision

EDOC 65.74 KB 17.11.2020 17.11.2020 2

Court decision/judgement

PDF 142.73 KB 16.11.2020 12.11.2020 8

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

RTF 52.7 KB 17.05.2019 17.05.2019 2

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

EDOC 39.86 KB 17.05.2019 17.05.2019 2

Amendments to the Articles of Association

EDOC 21.83 KB 17.05.2019 14.05.2019 1


DOCX 29.37 KB 17.05.2019 14.05.2019 2


DOCX 29.37 KB 17.05.2019 14.05.2019 2


EDOC 38.79 KB 17.05.2019 14.05.2019 2

Notary’s decision

EDOC 70.34 KB 12.10.2018 12.10.2018 2

Court decision/judgement

PDF 99.69 KB 11.10.2018 11.10.2018 2

Notary’s decision

EDOC 70.36 KB 10.10.2018 10.10.2018 2

Court decision/judgement

PDF 102.16 KB 09.10.2018 05.10.2018 4

Notary’s decision

EDOC 70.14 KB 25.07.2018 25.07.2018 2

Court decision/judgement

PDF 98.9 KB 24.07.2018 23.07.2018 2

Notary’s decision

EDOC 40.11 KB 20.07.2018 20.07.2018 2

Court decision/judgement

PDF 104.77 KB 19.07.2018 18.07.2018 3

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

EDOC 66.75 KB 07.03.2017 07.03.2017 2

Amendments to the Articles of Association

EDOC 26.08 KB 03.03.2017 03.03.2017 1


DOCX 23.66 KB 03.03.2017 03.03.2017 2


EDOC 36.74 KB 03.03.2017 03.03.2017 2

Notary’s decision

TIF 47.72 KB 08.09.2015 03.09.2015 2

Court decision/judgement

TIF 138.9 KB 08.09.2015 01.09.2015 3

Notary’s decision

TIF 78.55 KB 26.08.2015 26.08.2015 2

Court decision/judgement

TIF 306.18 KB 26.08.2015 25.08.2015 4

Notary’s decision

TIF 61.67 KB 25.08.2015 15.06.2015 2

Notary’s decision

TIF 61.88 KB 25.08.2015 15.06.2015 2

Court decision/judgement

TIF 130.02 KB 25.08.2015 09.06.2015 2

Court decision/judgement

TIF 190.16 KB 25.08.2015 05.06.2015 3

Court decision/judgement

TIF 133.19 KB 28.04.2015 27.04.2015 2

Notary’s decision

TIF 76.12 KB 28.04.2015 27.04.2015 2

Notary’s decision

TIF 72.95 KB 28.04.2015 24.04.2015 2

Court decision/judgement

TIF 202.08 KB 28.04.2015 22.04.2015 3

Notary’s decision

TIF 96.27 KB 02.03.2015 27.02.2015 2

Notary’s decision

TIF 96.85 KB 02.03.2015 27.02.2015 2

Court decision/judgement

TIF 116.64 KB 02.03.2015 26.02.2015 2

Court decision/judgement

TIF 208.57 KB 02.03.2015 24.02.2015 3

Plan for the sale of the debtor’s property

DOC 84.5 KB 19.02.2015 05.12.2014 4

Plan for the sale of the debtor’s property

EDOC 40.11 KB 19.02.2015 05.12.2014 4

Notary’s decision

EDOC 75.52 KB 25.07.2014 25.07.2014 1

Insolvency Practitioner’s cover letter

TIF 24.13 KB 25.07.2014 23.07.2014 1

Plan for the sale of the debtor’s property

TIF 225.32 KB 25.07.2014 21.07.2014 6

Minutes of the creditors’ meetings with annexes not to be added to the registration files

TIF 847.42 KB 25.07.2014 18.07.2014 26

Notary’s decision

EDOC 75.45 KB 01.07.2014 01.07.2014 1

Application for making an entry in the Insolvency Register regarding the creditors’ meeting

EDOC 31.3 KB 01.07.2014 30.06.2014 1

Notary’s decision

TIF 96.3 KB 29.01.2014 23.01.2014 2

Notary’s decision

TIF 76.28 KB 03.01.2014 20.12.2013 2

Court decision/judgement

TIF 143.97 KB 03.01.2014 17.12.2013 2


TIF 155.8 KB 08.10.2015 30.06.2004 3

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

TIF 35.43 KB 08.10.2015 07.04.2004 1

Receipts on the publication and state fees

TIF 43.14 KB 08.10.2015 18.03.2004 1

Owner’s decisions

TIF 14.2 KB 08.10.2015 15.03.2004 1

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

TIF 19.27 KB 08.10.2015 07.09.1999 1


TIF 39.13 KB 07.10.2015 31.08.1999 2

Receipts on the publication and state fees

TIF 15.35 KB 07.10.2015 31.08.1999 1

Owner’s decisions

TIF 9.82 KB 07.10.2015 30.08.1999 1

Sample report

TIF 15.33 KB 07.10.2015 30.08.1999 1

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

TIF 9.61 KB 07.10.2015 04.10.1996 1

Registration certificates

TIF 197.65 KB 07.10.2015 04.10.1996 1


TIF 30.91 KB 07.10.2015 03.10.1996 2

Receipts on the publication and state fees

TIF 17.53 KB 07.10.2015 03.10.1996 1

Other documents

TIF 5 KB 07.10.2015 15.05.1992 1

Copy of the personal identification document

TIF 32.24 KB 07.10.2015 1

Decisions of the local government council or the land commission on granting a land plot for use

TIF 22.01 KB 07.10.2015 1
According to the regulation of the Law "On the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia", the documents of the unpublished part are assigned the status of information with limited access and they are not available on the portal. Request documents in Company register