MetMe, SIA
Basic data
Status | Active
Business form | Limited Liability Company |
Registered name | SIA MetMe |
Registration number, date | 40203483388, 15.05.2023 |
VAT number | LV40203483388 from 29.05.2023 Europe VAT register |
Register, date | Commercial Register, 15.05.2023 |
Legal address | Kurzemes prospekts 3H, Rīga, LV-1067 Check address owners |
Fixed capital | 2 EUR, registered payment 15.05.2023 |
CSDD | Transport vehicles registered in CSDD |
More about company
Actual address | Kurzemes prospekts 3H, Rīga, LV-1067 |
Edijs | +371 28616566 |
Mārtiņš | +371 26218736 |
Edijs | |
Mārtiņš | | | |
Homepage | |
Working hours | Mon. 9:00-19:00
Tue. 9:00-19:00
Wed. 9:00-19:00
Thu. 9:00-19:00
Fri. 9:00-19:00
Sat. Free
Sun. Free
Industry | Metālizstrādājumi |
Par mums | SIA "MetMe" ir metināšanas pakalpojumu sniedzējs, kas palīdzēs Jums piepildīt pat vispārdrošākās idejas. Mūsu plašais pakalpojumu klāsts, pieredzējusī komanda, kas Jūsu projektu novadīs no A līdz Z, kā arī ticība neordināriem un maksimāli individuāliem risinājumiem, nodrošinās ikvienas Jūsu vajadzības apmierināšanu atbilstoši visaugstākajiem kvalitātes standartiem. Piedāvājam modernākos risinājumus un jaunākās tendences, lai ikviena darba rezultāts būtu nevainojams ne vien vizuāli, bet arī ērts un izturīgs ikdienas pielietojumā. |
Pakalpojumi | Konstrukciju projektēšana (sertificēts projektētājs) Metināšana (sertificēts metinātājs) Galvenokārt... show more |
Important facts
- No active pledges
- No security means
- No economic activity cessation
- Has activity restrictions
- Preform with profit
- Show AML risks
- Nav ieraksti maksātnespējas reģistrā
- No liquidations
- No reorganizations
- Has contacts
- Positive owned capital
- Check online actual tax payments in SRS
- Request debt return with VERDIKTS
Informational products
Full company profile
Annual report 2023
True beneficiaries
True beneficiary | Time | Place of permanent residence | Nationality |
Natural person | From 15.05.2023 | Latvia | Latvia |
Control type: as a company member/shareholder |
Natural person | From 15.05.2023 | Latvia | Latvia |
Control type: as a company member/shareholder |
Name | Institution | Position | Representation/signatory powers | Notes | From* |
Natural person |
Executive Board | Member of the Board | Right to represent individually | 15.05.2023 | |
Natural person |
Executive Board | Member of the Board | Right to represent individually | 15.05.2023 |
Name, address | Share, % | Number of shares | Share value | Total | Country | From | ER Registered |
Natural person |
50 % | 1 | € 1 | € 1 | Latvia | 15.05.2023 | 15.05.2023 |
Natural person |
50 % | 1 | € 1 | € 1 | Latvia | 15.05.2023 | 15.05.2023 |
Taxes payments to government budget
2023 | |
Total payments to state budget (thousands, €) | 6.09 |
Personal income tax (thousands, €) | 1.04 |
Statutory social insurance contributions (thousands, €) | 1.68 |
Average employees count | 2 |
Industry from | Metālizstrādājumi |
Branch from (NACE2) | Gatavo metālizstrādājumu ražošana, izņemot mašīnas un iekārtas (25) |
Field from SRS | Metāla konstrukciju un to sastāvdaļu ražošana (25.11) |
CSP industry | Metāla konstrukciju un to sastāvdaļu ražošana (25.11) |
Annual reports
Year | Period | Received | Type of delivery | Price | |
2023 |
Annual report | 15.05.2023 - 31.12.2023 | 30.05.2024 | ZIP | €11.00 |
Annual report 2023 | |||||
Type | Format | Size | Added | Document date | Number of pages |
Articles of Association |
EDOC | 29.22 KB | 12.05.2023 | 03.05.2023 | 1 |
Memorandum of association |
EDOC | 32.06 KB | 12.05.2023 | 03.05.2023 | 2 |
Shareholders’ register |
EDOC | 28.38 KB | 12.05.2023 | 03.05.2023 | 1 |