MS-27, SIA

Limited Liability Company, Micro company
Place in branch
9K+ by turnover
7K+ by profit
452 by paid taxes
277 by employees

Basic data

Business form Limited Liability Company
Registered name SIA "MS-27"
Registration number, date 40203344924, 10.09.2021
VAT number LV40203344924 from 06.10.2021 Europe VAT register
Register, date Commercial Register, 10.09.2021
Legal address Kārļa Mīlenbaha iela 20B, Rīga, LV-1050 Check address owners
Fixed capital 200 EUR, registered payment 10.09.2021
CSDD Transport vehicles registered in CSDD

More about company

Actual address Kārļa Mīlenbaha 20A, Rīga LV-1050
Mobile phone +371 25555535
GBP Show in Google search results
Working hours
Mon. 10:00-17:00
Tue. 10:00-17:00
Wed. 10:00-17:00
Thu. 10:00-17:00
Fri. 10:00-17:00
Sat. Free
Sun. Free
Industry Datortehnikas un biroja tehnikas apkalpošana, serviss
Datoru remonts, serviss un rezerves daļas

Ar datoriem nodarbojamies jau vairāk kā 10 gadus, mums ir liela pieredze datoru un elektronikas remontā. Pie mums atradīsiet vislabākās cenas tirgū un visātrāko servisu.
Darbnīca atrodas ērtā vietā Rīgas centrā, kas padara to ērti sasniedzamu un ērtu apmeklētājiem.

Sniedzam dažādus datoru pakalpojumus:

Tīrīšana, komplektēšana un rezerves daļu nomaiņa.
Ja jūsu dators ir jātīra no putekļiem un netīrumiem,...

show more

Important facts

Datoru serviss
Datoru serviss
Datoru rezerves daļas
Datoru rezerves daļas
Datoru tīrīšana
Datoru tīrīšana

True beneficiary Time Place of permanent residence Nationality
Natural person From 10.09.2021
Latvia Latvia

Control type: as a company member/shareholder

Name Institution Position Representation/signatory powers Notes From*

Natural person

Executive Board Member of the Board Right to represent individually   10.09.2021
* Date on which the decision of the notary public on the appointment took effect

Name, address Share, % Number of shares Share value Total Country From ER Registered

Natural person

100 % 1 € 200 € 200 Latvia 10.09.2021 10.09.2021

2023 2022 2021
Total payments to state budget (thousands, €) 7.11 4.05 0.93
Personal income tax (thousands, €) 0.46 0.47 0.05
Statutory social insurance contributions (thousands, €) 2.87 2.09 0.3
Average employees count 3 2 2

Industry from Datortehnikas un biroja tehnikas apkalpošana, serviss
Branch from (NACE2) Datoru un perifēro iekārtu remonts (95.11)
Field from SRS Datoru un perifēro iekārtu remonts (95.11)
CSP industry Datoru un perifēro iekārtu remonts (95.11)

Rīga, Puškina iela 20B Until 25.02.2024 9.5 months ago

Year Period Received Type of delivery Price


Annual report 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023 11.03.2024  PDF (79.33 KB) €11.00


Annual report 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022 26.04.2023  PDF (79.11 KB) €11.00


Annual report 10.09.2021 - 31.12.2021 28.07.2022  PDF (78.89 KB) €11.00

Type Format Size Added Document date Number of pages

Articles of Association

ODT 13.07 KB 10.09.2021 07.09.2021 1

Articles of Association

ODT 13.07 KB 10.09.2021 07.09.2021 1

Memorandum of Association

ODT 16.96 KB 10.09.2021 07.09.2021 1

Memorandum of Association

ODT 16.96 KB 10.09.2021 07.09.2021 1

Shareholders’ register

ODT 17.14 KB 10.09.2021 07.09.2021 1

Shareholders’ register

ODT 17.14 KB 10.09.2021 07.09.2021 1