Sertifikācijas Akadēmija, Nodibinājums
Informational products
Full company profile
Basic data
Status | Liquidation proceeding, 18.10.2021
Business form | Foundation |
Registered name | Nodibinājums "Sertifikācijas Akadēmija" |
Registration number, date | 50008290951, 23.09.2019 |
VAT number | None Europe VAT register |
Register, date | Register of Associations and Foundations, 23.09.2019 |
Legal address | Klijānu iela 23, Rīga, LV-1012 Check address owners |
CSDD | Transport vehicles registered in CSDD | RECOMMENDS businesses whose activities may be similar to Sertifikācijas Akadēmija, Nodibinājums
Important facts
- No active pledges
- No security means
- No economic activity cessation
- No activity restrictions
- Show AML risks
- Nav ieraksti maksātnespējas reģistrā
- Has liquidation process (from 18.10.2021)
- No reorganizations
- Has contacts
- Check online actual tax payments in SRS
- Request debt return with VERDIKTS
Actual overdue payments
Request debt return with VERDIKTS
Date | Case number | Status |
None |
Taxes payments to government budget
2021 | |
Total payments to state budget (thousands, €) | 0 |
Personal income tax (thousands, €) | 0 |
Statutory social insurance contributions (thousands, €) | 0 |
Average employees count | 0 |
Industry from | Biedrības, nodibinājumi |
Branch from (NACE2)
Redakcija NACE 2.1 |
Citur neklasificētu organizāciju darbība (94.99) |
Goals | Veicināt būvspeciālistu profesionālās kvalifikācijas paaugstināšanu, organizējot būvspeciālistu profesionālo apmācību; organizēt būvspeciālistu kompetences novērtēšanu un patstāvīgās prakses uzraudzību; analizēt un pētīt tiesību normas, tiesu praksi, veicināt juridiskās izglītības attīstību, izdot attiecīgu juridisko literatūru; līdzdalība ar būvniecības nozari un atbilstības novērtēšanu saistīto likumdošanas aktu izstrādāšanā, pilnveidošanā un harmonizēšanā; juridiskās palīdzības sniegšana; pildīt atsevišķus ar ārējiem normatīvajiem aktiem vai līgumiem deleģētus pārvaldes uzdevumus; organizēt un veicināt starptautisku sadarbību Nodibinājuma mērķu realizācijai. |
True beneficiaries
True beneficiary | Time | Place of permanent residence | Nationality |
Natural person | From 23.09.2019 | Latvia | Latvia |
Control type: as a foundation founder |
Control type: as a representative of the executive institution or of the administrative body |
Natural person | From 23.09.2019 | Latvia | Latvia |
Control type: as a foundation founder |
Control type: as a representative of the executive institution or of the administrative body |
Natural person | From 23.09.2019 | Latvia | Latvia |
Control type: as a foundation founder |
Control type: as a representative of the executive institution or of the administrative body |
Name | Institution | Position | Representation/signatory powers | Notes | From* |
Natural person |
Liquidator | Jointly with at least 2 | 18.10.2021 | ||
Natural person |
Liquidator | Jointly with at least 2 | 18.10.2021 |
Contacts in cooperation with
Apply information changes
"Sertifikācijas akadēmija", nodibinājums
Klijānu 23, Rīga, LV-1012 Check address owners
Biedrības, nodibinājumi
Historical company names
Nodibinājums "TUV Academy" | Until 10.02.2020 | 5 years ago |
Type | Format | Size | Added | Document date | Number of pages |
Articles of Association |
TIF | 135.58 KB | 06.02.2020 | 29.01.2020 | 4 |
Articles of Association |
TIF | 130.96 KB | 23.09.2019 | 12.09.2019 | 4 |
Restricted documents
available by request to LR Company register
Type | Format | Size | Added | Document date | Number of pages |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries |
RTF | 197.41 KB | 18.10.2021 | 18.10.2021 | 2 |
Application |
DOCX | 46.08 KB | 18.10.2021 | 12.10.2021 | 1 |
Application |
DOCX | 46.08 KB | 18.10.2021 | 12.10.2021 | 1 |
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation |
DOC | 34.5 KB | 18.10.2021 | 04.10.2021 | 1 |
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation |
DOC | 34.5 KB | 18.10.2021 | 04.10.2021 | 1 |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries |
EDOC | 65.81 KB | 10.02.2020 | 10.02.2020 | 2 |
Application |
TIF | 82.93 KB | 06.02.2020 | 29.01.2020 | 2 |
Protocols/decisions of a company/organisation |
TIF | 21.87 KB | 06.02.2020 | 29.01.2020 | 1 |
Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries |
EDOC | 66.63 KB | 23.09.2019 | 23.09.2019 | 2 |
Application |
TIF | 126.68 KB | 18.09.2019 | 12.09.2019 | 6 |
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director |
TIF | 6.63 KB | 18.09.2019 | 12.09.2019 | 1 |
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director |
TIF | 7.13 KB | 18.09.2019 | 12.09.2019 | 1 |
Consent of a member of the Board / executive director |
TIF | 6.98 KB | 18.09.2019 | 12.09.2019 | 1 |
Memorandum of Association |
TIF | 21.81 KB | 18.09.2019 | 12.09.2019 | 1 |