Tirdzniecības centrs "Banga", SIA

Limited Liability Company

Basic data

Removed from the register, 26.05.2015
Business form Limited Liability Company
Registered name Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "Tirdzniecības centrs "Banga""
Registration number, date 40003451074, 02.07.1999
VAT number None (excluded 26.05.2015) Europe VAT register
Register, date Commercial Register, 25.10.2004
Legal address Rīga, Aleksandra Čaka iela 33-406 Check address owners
Fixed capital 42 000 LVL , registered 17.03.2009 (registered payment 21.12.2005: 42 000 LVL)
CSDD Transport vehicles registered in CSDD

Actual overdue payments
Request debt return with VERDIKTS

Date Case number Status

Taxes payments to government budget

Total payments to state budget (thousands, €) 0
Personal income tax (thousands, €) 0
Statutory social insurance contributions (thousands, €) 0
Average employees count 0

Historical company names

Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "TIRDZNIECĪBAS CENTRS "BANGA"" Until 25.10.2004 20 years ago

Historical addresses

Rīga, Jauniela 13 Until 25.10.2004 20 years ago

Maksātnespējas reģistra procesi

Date and time Registered Event Additional information
Process 1. Insolvency proceeding: 28.09.2009. Case number: C27202009/
Started 28.09.2009, ended 05.05.2015
Court: Rīgas pilsētas Centra rajona tiesa (1000053256)
Decision: pabeigta bankrota procedūra


07.05.2015   Tiesas lēmums par maksātnespējas procesa izbeigšanu 
Rīgas pilsētas Vidzemes priekšpilsētas tiesa (1000053289)


16.04.2015   Kreditoru sapulces lēmums par bankrota procedūras pabeigšanu 

08.04.2015 09:45:00

17.03.2015   Noslēguma kreditoru sapulce 

16.03.2015 11:00:00

19.02.2015   Kārtējā kreditoru sapulce 

02.10.2014 15:20:00

18.09.2014   Noslēguma kreditoru sapulce 

07.08.2014 10:00:00

23.07.2014   Kārtējā kreditoru sapulce 

25.03.2014 10:30:00

12.03.2014   Kārtējā kreditoru sapulce 

23.04.2013 10:15:00

09.04.2013   Kārtējā kreditoru sapulce 

01.03.2012 09:05:00

17.02.2012   Kārtējā kreditoru sapulce 

01.03.2011 10:00:00

09.02.2011   Kārtējā kreditoru sapulce 

28.12.2010 16:00:00

03.12.2010   Kārtējā kreditoru sapulce 

28.05.2010 11:00:00

11.05.2010   Kārtējā kreditoru sapulce 

29.12.2009 11:00:00

15.12.2009   Pirmā kreditoru sapulce 


30.12.2009   Kreditoru sapulces lēmums par bankrota procedūras uzsākšanu 


28.10.2009   Declaration of insolvency proceedings 
Creditor application deadline : 1 month
Rīgas pilsētas Centra rajona tiesa (1000053256)


07.10.2009   Appointment of an administrator in an insolvency case 
Panasins Aleksejs (Certificate nr. 00180)


29.09.2009   Maksātnespējas procesa lietas ierosināšana 
Rīgas pilsētas Centra rajona tiesa (1000053256)
List of administrators
Administrator Practice place Certificate Contacts

Panasins Aleksejs

Rīga, Krišjāņa Barona iela 5 - 1 Nr. 00180 (valid from 16.10.2024 till 15.10.2029)
Phone 67217497

Annual reports

Year Period Received Type of delivery Price


Annual report 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014 24.03.2015  ZIP €7.00
1_HTML izdruka HTML
Vadibas zinojums 0001 PDF


Annual report 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013 27.03.2014  ZIP
1_HTML izdruka HTML
Vadibas zinojums PDF


Annual report 29.07.2013  TIF (162.89 KB)


Annual report 12.03.2012  TIF (121.72 KB)


Annual report 10.03.2011  TIF (294.66 KB)


Annual report 02.07.2010  TIF (649.66 KB)


Annual report: Board statement 01.01.2008 - 31.12.2008 23.04.2009  ZIP (5.04 KB)


Annual report 08.09.2008  TIF (843.39 KB)


Annual report 13.07.2007  TIF (495.04 KB)


Annual report 06.12.2006  TIF (616.62 KB)


Annual report 14.03.2014  TIF (591.8 KB)


Annual report 14.03.2014  TIF (530.35 KB)


Annual report 14.03.2014  TIF (471.82 KB)


Annual report 14.03.2014  TIF (240.69 KB)


Annual report 30.07.2015  TIF (1.23 MB)


Type Format Size Added Document date Number of pages

Agenda of the creditors’ meeting

DOC 31.5 KB 16.03.2015 16.03.2015 1

Agenda of the creditors’ meeting

DOC 32 KB 18.02.2015 18.02.2015 1

Agenda of the creditors’ meeting

DOC 32 KB 17.09.2014 17.09.2014 1

Agenda of the creditors’ meeting

DOC 32 KB 23.07.2014 22.07.2014 1

Agenda of the creditors’ meeting

DOC 31.5 KB 11.03.2014 11.03.2014 1

Agenda of the creditors’ meeting

DOC 30 KB 08.04.2013 08.04.2013 1

Announcement regarding the creditors’ meeting and the agenda of the meeting

DOC 31 KB 16.02.2012 15.02.2012 1

Announcement regarding the creditors’ meeting and the agenda of the meeting

TIF 41.21 KB 10.02.2011 08.02.2011 1

Agenda of the creditors’ meeting

TIF 18.94 KB 07.12.2010 01.12.2010 1

Agenda of the creditors’ meeting

TIF 18.62 KB 12.05.2010 10.05.2010 1

Agenda of the creditors’ meeting

TIF 25.84 KB 16.12.2009 14.12.2009 1

Announcement of the creditors’ meeting

TIF 20.34 KB 16.12.2009 14.12.2009 1

Restricted documents
available by request to LR Company register

Type Format Size Added Document date Number of pages

Notary’s decision

TIF 51.83 KB 27.05.2015 26.05.2015 1

Application in Insolvency proceedings

TIF 63.06 KB 27.05.2015 25.05.2015 1

Statement of the State Archives or an equivalent document

TIF 110.4 KB 27.05.2015 22.05.2015 1

Other insolvency documents

TIF 42.86 KB 27.05.2015 21.05.2015 1

Notary’s decision

TIF 46.79 KB 12.05.2015 07.05.2015 1

Court decision/judgement

TIF 125.44 KB 12.05.2015 05.05.2015 2

Notary’s decision

TIF 46.33 KB 20.04.2015 16.04.2015 2

Insolvency Practitioner’s cover letter

TIF 24.7 KB 20.04.2015 15.04.2015 1

Minutes/decision of the creditors’ meetings

TIF 61.49 KB 20.04.2015 08.04.2015 1

Notary’s decision

EDOC 71.7 KB 17.03.2015 17.03.2015 2

Minutes of the creditors’ meetings with annexes not to be added to the registration files

TIF 186.74 KB 19.03.2015 16.03.2015 4

Agenda of the creditors’ meeting

EDOC 28.09 KB 16.03.2015 16.03.2015 1

Application for making an entry in the Insolvency Register regarding the creditors’ meeting

DOC 57.5 KB 16.03.2015 16.03.2015 3

Application for making an entry in the Insolvency Register regarding the creditors’ meeting

EDOC 33.45 KB 16.03.2015 16.03.2015 3

Notary’s decision

EDOC 55.48 KB 19.02.2015 19.02.2015 1

Agenda of the creditors’ meeting

EDOC 27.4 KB 18.02.2015 18.02.2015 1

Application for making an entry in the Insolvency Register regarding the creditors’ meeting

DOC 57.5 KB 18.02.2015 18.02.2015 3

Application for making an entry in the Insolvency Register regarding the creditors’ meeting

EDOC 32.67 KB 18.02.2015 18.02.2015 3

Minutes of the creditors’ meetings with annexes not to be added to the registration files

TIF 115.57 KB 10.10.2014 02.10.2014 3

Notary’s decision

EDOC 72.56 KB 18.09.2014 18.09.2014 1

Agenda of the creditors’ meeting

EDOC 29.14 KB 17.09.2014 17.09.2014 1

Application for making an entry in the Insolvency Register regarding the creditors’ meeting

EDOC 34.3 KB 17.09.2014 17.09.2014 3

Application for making an entry in the Insolvency Register regarding the creditors’ meeting

DOC 57.5 KB 17.09.2014 17.09.2014 3

Minutes of the creditors’ meetings with annexes not to be added to the registration files

TIF 218.27 KB 18.08.2014 07.08.2014 4

Notary’s decision

EDOC 55.78 KB 23.07.2014 23.07.2014 1

Agenda of the creditors’ meeting

EDOC 29.01 KB 23.07.2014 22.07.2014 1

Application for making an entry in the Insolvency Register regarding the creditors’ meeting

DOC 57.5 KB 23.07.2014 22.07.2014 3

Application for making an entry in the Insolvency Register regarding the creditors’ meeting

EDOC 34.06 KB 23.07.2014 22.07.2014 3

Minutes of the creditors’ meetings with annexes not to be added to the registration files

TIF 98.13 KB 31.03.2014 25.03.2014 2

Notary’s decision

EDOC 74.37 KB 12.03.2014 12.03.2014 1

Agenda of the creditors’ meeting

EDOC 30.11 KB 11.03.2014 11.03.2014 1

Application for making an entry in the Insolvency Register regarding the creditors’ meeting

DOC 56.5 KB 11.03.2014 11.03.2014 3

Application for making an entry in the Insolvency Register regarding the creditors’ meeting

EDOC 34.83 KB 11.03.2014 11.03.2014 3

Minutes of the creditors’ meetings with annexes not to be added to the registration files

TIF 73.56 KB 29.04.2013 23.04.2013 2

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

EDOC 1.85 MB 22.04.2013 22.04.2013 1

State Revenue Service decisions/letters/statements

EDOC 2.31 MB 19.04.2013 19.04.2013 1

Notary’s decision

EDOC 1.74 MB 09.04.2013 09.04.2013 1

Agenda of the creditors’ meeting

EDOC 1.69 MB 08.04.2013 08.04.2013 1

Application for making an entry in the Insolvency Register regarding the creditors’ meeting

EDOC 1.7 MB 08.04.2013 08.04.2013 3

Minutes of the creditors’ meetings with annexes not to be added to the registration files

TIF 71.16 KB 05.03.2012 01.03.2012 2

Notary’s decision

EDOC 60.17 KB 17.02.2012 17.02.2012 1

Announcement regarding the creditors’ meeting and the agenda of the meeting

EDOC 41.54 KB 16.02.2012 15.02.2012 1

Application for making an entry in the Insolvency Register regarding the creditors’ meeting

EDOC 46.47 KB 16.02.2012 15.02.2012 3

Minutes of the creditors’ meetings with annexes not to be added to the registration files

TIF 202.63 KB 03.03.2011 01.03.2011 5

Decisions / letters / protocols of public notaries

TIF 66.28 KB 10.02.2011 09.02.2011 1

Application for making an entry in the Insolvency Register regarding the creditors’ meeting

TIF 238.32 KB 10.02.2011 08.02.2011 3

Minutes of the creditors’ meetings with annexes not to be added to the registration files

TIF 148.46 KB 30.12.2010 28.12.2010 4

Notary’s decision

TIF 39.28 KB 07.12.2010 03.12.2010 1

Application for making an entry in the Insolvency Register regarding the creditors’ meeting

TIF 64.45 KB 07.12.2010 01.12.2010 3

Minutes of the creditors’ meetings with annexes not to be added to the registration files

TIF 188.76 KB 31.05.2010 28.05.2010 6

Notary’s decision

TIF 36.04 KB 12.05.2010 11.05.2010 1

Application for making an entry in the Insolvency Register regarding the creditors’ meeting

TIF 74.6 KB 12.05.2010 10.05.2010 4

Notary’s decision

TIF 35.43 KB 04.01.2010 30.12.2009 1

Application in Insolvency proceedings

TIF 70.22 KB 04.01.2010 29.12.2009 3

Minutes/decision of the creditors’ meetings

TIF 404.99 KB 04.01.2010 29.12.2009 10

Notary’s decision

TIF 35.21 KB 16.12.2009 15.12.2009 1

Application for making an entry in the Insolvency Register regarding the creditors’ meeting

TIF 77.21 KB 16.12.2009 14.12.2009 4

Notary’s decision

TIF 39.28 KB 03.11.2009 28.10.2009 2

Court decision/judgement

TIF 98.89 KB 03.11.2009 27.10.2009 2

Notary’s decision

TIF 37.4 KB 12.10.2009 07.10.2009 1

Court decision/judgement

TIF 36.79 KB 12.10.2009 06.10.2009 1

Notary’s decision

TIF 36.09 KB 30.09.2009 29.09.2009 1

Court decision/judgement

TIF 32.74 KB 30.09.2009 28.09.2009 1
According to the regulation of the Law "On the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia", the documents of the unpublished part are assigned the status of information with limited access and they are not available on the Firmas.lv portal. Request documents in Company register